PoolMark Self-Assessment

You can view and submit our PoolMark self-assessment form to check whether you are ready for a professional assessment.

Questions require either quantitative information about the pool’s operation or measurement against the Code of Practice. These questions are self-assessed as follows:

  • Satisfactory: the pool has the relevant arrangements in place and meets at least the standards of the PWTAG Code of Practice
  • Improvement needed: the pool does not fulfil the requirements – where this box is selected the pool should provide an explanation in the box provided at the end of this form
  • Not relevant: where this box is selected the pool should provide an explanation in the box provided at the end of this form
The PoolMark standard is applicable to one pool only.  On single pool sites this self-assessment is applies to the one pool. Where there are a number of pools on a multi pool site each having their own plant equipment then this self-assessment should be for one designated pool only. Where more than one pool is to be assessed on the same site then each pool must have an independent self-assessment form completed.

Fill in the form below to self-assess your pool – clicking submit will send a copy of these results to the email you submit in the form.

If you are happy with the results of your self-assessment, head to the PALM Academy website to book a professional assessment.